The first scene is really true. This could be a good contribution on it's own. You see it all the time here. Yesterday my first submission got a review that only contained the word "gay" (with like 50 a's). I'm not offended at all but hey, come on, it's not like it makes me a better animator. I understand that people want NG to contain nothing but solid and really great material, I agree with them. What people fails to understand however, is that this is never gonna happen, as long as they keep posting reviews that only says "gaaay", "lame" or "ZOMG thi5 fl4sh reallY suxx0rz".
Anyway, the Bad Guy stuff rocks. The fact that you placed your backgrounds, characters and everything else on the same level of animation and artwork makes it very good. This combined with your writing and the voices makes this some of the best stuff here.